President Obama visits Charlotte N.C and answers question from GWU graduate Erin Boyd Odom

Courtesy of Erin Boyd Odom

By: Kanisha Fowler

The 2003 graduate of Gardner-Webb University, was invited to the Charlotte town hall meeting with the President of the United States, as he discussed equality and equal pay.

As the owner of The Humbled Homemaking blog, Erin Boyd Odom met with President Obama on April 15, at the ImaginOn educational library in Charlotte N.C.

“I was really nervous before he came out and when I was speaking,” said Odom.

Courtesy of Odom
Courtesy of Odom

Odom’s friends said she didn’t sound nervous and she said it was God who gave her that courage.

Native of Mooresville, N. C., Odom is a wife to Will, 38, and a mother to three girls; the 6-year-old Emma Brooke, Maggy who is 4, and Hannah who is 2.

The 34-year-old woman started her Christian blog, The Humbled Homemaking, in 2011 and her goal was to write inspiration and encouraging things. Later, the opportunity came up and she turned her blog into a business, and within two years, it began making more money than her husband’s teacher job.

“It’s a shame you can make more money on a mom blog than a public school teacher with a master’s degree.”

While in the meeting, Odom received the opportunity to ask a question.

“Only five people got the opportunity to ask a question and I was number one,” said Odom. “I was surprised to be called on.”

When Odom began with her question, her microphone didn’t work and she thought she was going to miss her opportunity, then President Obama gave her his microphone and she was able to stand face to face with him, which no other person got that chance.

Odom asked how the federal government could help states increase public teacher’s salaries. Even though she knows it is a state’s issue, she wanted to know how the federal government could help.

She believes education is important in order to see economic growth, and with teacher pay rates in North Carolina being so low, many of them are starting to switch professions.

In 2009, when she and her husband had just moved back to N.C., she explained how they were on government assistance for three years, by living off her husband’s pay checks as a teacher. She also mentioned how it must be hard for single parents to work as a teacher.

President Obama answered the question by referring to his sister who was a school teacher, and how he understands it is hard to support a family. He also referred to the fact that other countries pay teacher the same as they pay doctors. “We’ve just got to put more pressure on states,” he said.

Odom admitted she was excited about the opportunity to be in front of the President of the United States, although, she almost missed that opportunity when she refused the offer three times before finally accepting.

Odom said, “They sent me three emails before I said yes.”

At first they invited Odom to meet with an important person, and she said no because she is working on an important project with her business. Then they told her it was the President and after debating with herself she decided to attend.

“I’m so glad I did,” Odom said. “I’ll never regret it.”

Courtesy of Odom
Courtesy of Odom

One thing that really surprised Odom was the criticism she received from friends, other bloggers, followers. People who aren’t fond of President Obama disapproved of her plans to meet with him.

Odom said she may not agree with all his diplomatic decision but he is still the president and he deserves honor.

As a Christian, Odom said, this was a good opportunity for her to be in the presence of a powerful man and pray for him. And that is what she did. She also said it reminded her of the story of Ester in the Bible, she also had the chance to stand in front of her country’s officials.

Odom said, “I was able to sit there and pray for him.”

To know more about Odom, you can follow her blog at