Individuals with health concerns face more obstacles during pandemic

By Janiya Harrison

A recent study by the National Institute of Health reported that 208,000 children and teens under 20 years had a diagnosis of either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes in the United States. Now that we are living during a pandemic, people with health conditions, such as diabetes, are at higher risk. Life on a college campus with an extra risk factors adds extra stress to an already complicated semester.

Abigail Bryant, ’24

Abigail Bryant, GWU Freshman, and her close friends are limited to the number of things they can do in the caution of her safety. “It can be hard at times having to worry not only about my diabetes but now making sure that I’m extra cautious because of COVID,” Bryant said.

During this semester everyone on campus is limited to the number of people they can have in a group at one time, and masks are required. But now the numbers of the new normal for them have been cut even more for those who live with extra risk factors.

Although more research is needed to make definite conclusions, studies show the better one controls his or her diabetes, the lower the rate of a severe case of the virus in infected.

The Center for Disease and Control Prevention have given a few tips for people living with health conditions during COVID.

  1. Limiting the amount of interactions with other people.
  2. Take precautions to prevent getting COVID-19 when you are interacting.
  3. If deciding to engage in activities, continue to practice preventive actions.
  4. Keep a face mask, tissues, and hand sanitizer (60% alcohol) with you.
  5. Continue to take your medicines.
  6. If you know of someone who has come in contact with COVID, stay away from them for the next 14 days.