By: Ellen Laws
The Office of Christian Life and Service proposed an alteration to the Dimensions requirements during a meeting with the faculty this past February. After a discussion between the Office of the President, the Provost’s Council and the Division of Student Development, the proposal was approved.
According to an email from Tracy Jessup, the vice president of Christian Life and Service, the proposal was “to change the required number of semesters of Dimensions credit from six to four (three hours of credit to two hours of credit), and to expand the number of approved Dimensions events.” This change will begin with the Fall semester of 2016, for both incoming and returning students.
“This means that any student who has successfully completed four semesters of Dimensions will have satisfied the Dimensions requirement,” stated Jessup. “[However] nothing has changed about the time of the traditional weekly Dimensions program.” Dimensions will continue to be held on Tuesdays, at 9:25am, in Stewart Hall of the Tucker Student Center.
In addition to the change in requirements, “students will [also] have the opportunity to go to events other than Dimensions in order to receive credit,” said Jessup.
“I think it’s important that students are required to go to events like Dimensions, and I’m glad that they are now offering more options while maintaining [Christian] values,” said Marrisa Richardson, a Gardner-Webb junior.
However, there are some students who have mixed feelings regarding the upcoming change. “It’s good and bad. It will give me time to get other things done, but some speakers are really worth hearing,” said freshman Samantha Ledford. “The bad things [are] that you don’t know if it’s a good or bad Dimensions until after the first few minutes. So it’s a hit or miss.”
Since the change does not go into effect until the Fall of 2016, all students currently enrolled in Dimensions must attend 10 programs to receive credit; even if they have already completed four or more semesters of Dimensions.
Please feel free to contact any staff member in the Office of Christian Life and Service if anyone has any questions.